In spring 2019, join fellow parishioners for the Church of the Second Chances: A Faithful Exploration of Incarceration. By sharing the stories of incarcerated people through interviews, documentaries, presentations by experts, dialogue, and reflection, Church of Second Chances widens participants’ circle of connection. Exploring the lived experience of people behind bars and exposing injustices in the judicial system through the lens of faith, this module inspires a prophetic revision of incarceration that invites restoration, mercy, and reconciliation. This is an 8-week group that will be meeting weekly during Lent 2019. We anticipate having an evening weekday group and a morning weekday group. For more information, please contact Karen Simon at [email protected] OR cell: 240-413-5080.
St. Camillus also regularly hosts the JustFaith and GoodNews People programs from JustFaith Ministries. JustFaith provides a lively and challenging opportunity to read, discuss, pray, experience and be formed by Catholic Social Teaching, Scriptures and hands-on experiences as they relate to the poor and vulnerable in our community, nation and the world. The small group meets weekly over a period of 30 weeks, starting in mid-September and ending in early May. Participants experience community as they share their journeys of faith and compassion and are challenged and transformed by the JustFaith process. The GoodNews People Program is a dynamic parish-wide program inviting people to new ways of understanding their faith, themselves and the needs of the world around them. Through weekly small group meetings, participants engage the biblical witness of Jesus, awaken the call to discipleship that resounds within each participant and explore the richness of the Catholic faith to inspire new passion for and engagement in the Church’s mission. The small groups meet for seven weeks in the Fall and seven weeks in the Spring.
St. Camillus Church has had JustFaith groups regularly since 2003, with almost 100 people participating to date. Most have been parishioners, but we also welcome others from different faith communities. All participants graduate with a much greater awareness of justice and poverty issues and a desire to get more involved with their local and larger community. This has included involvement with: our Food Pantries, St. Vincent de Paul, legislative advocacy, tutoring children, educating about and getting involved in our Fair Trade and Hospitality Ministry, Habitat for Humanity overseas trips, Habitat for Humanity in Montgomery County, peace pilgrimage to the Holy Land, mentoring with Silver Spring Interfaith Housing Coalition, environmental and global climate change awareness, Alternative Christmas program, and overall increased involvement within our parish and broader community.
For more information about JustFaith, please contact Karen Simon at [email protected] or 240-413-5080. The national website for JustFaith Ministries is
Through JustFaith, I learned that I can turn towards the pain of the world and try to look directly at it, instead of following my instinct to turn away and protect myself. Paradoxically, this has opened me up to hope.The prayerful quality of our meetings and the depth of our conversations about the issues raised in the program, as well as the information about the Church and social justice, gave me faith in the possibility of living a faithful life in full knowledge of the sins of the world. I am deeply grateful to the program and to my band of fellow pilgrims.
Mary Rein, 2006-07
I had just about given up hope in connecting to the Catholic Church, having been absent for many years. Just Faith brought me back with challenging and inspirational readings, thoughtful reflections with fellow parishioners and experiences with members of our community. I truly believe that this program was God's way to welcoming me back with open arms, not only to learn about myself, but also to serve God's people with more compassion and understanding.
Carla Naranjo, 2009-10
Read more: JustFaith Testimonials of Participants